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5 Questions with Author and Health Expert Dr. Kevin Stock

5 Questions with Author and Health Expert Dr. Kevin Stock

We are excited to have a guest blogger for April, author Dr. Kevin Stock. We asked Kevin a few questions about “The Carnivore Diet” and myths around “red meat.” Kevin is an author and recognized expert in nutrition, fitness and health. He currently is the founder and CEO at Scriptis, Meat Health, and NED. He is an active writer, reader, and researcher on topics from health and fitness to bitcoin and blockchain to science and philosophy. He is the author of the novella “Yourdrum” and soon to be released “Meat Health: The Carnivore Diet – The Hunt to Become Superhuman.”

What made you focus on The Carnivore Diet?

I have been deeply involved in health and fitness for the better part of two decades both as a health care provider and as a basic health nut. I’ve eaten what I thought was a “healthy” diet for as long as I can remember. What led me to abandoning traditional “health” advice is when I found myself with low energy, daily brain fog, and numerous symptoms of non-ideal health. This was the start of a deep dive journey into research and experiments that led to eating a purely carnivore diet. I wrote a blog post recently if you’re interested in how I decided to experiment eating nothing but meat:

Why do you prefer 100% Grass Fed Beef to most store-bought meat?

There are numerous reasons I prefer to eat grass fed and -finished beef, not the least of which include ethical and environmental reasons. As far as human health, grass fed meat has been shown to contain more omega-3 fatty acids, CLA, antioxidants, TVA, vitamins and minerals than any other food. Store-bought meat is often factory farmed which can be damaging to the environment and the cattle that are often treated with antibiotics and hormones. The grains they are fed are often treated with pesticides that end up stored in the cows’ fat. Cows, left to their own, will eat grass, not grains. It’s healthier for them, and it’s healthier for us.

Why does ‘Red Meat’ have a bad reputation, and is it fair?

Unfortunately, red meat got a bad reputation due to poor observational studies that showed association between red meat and cardiovascular disease and cancer. In addition, similar observational studies showed correlation of saturated fat and cholesterol with cardiovascular disease creating a high fat scare where red meat was used as the scapegoat. An important concept to understand in research is that correlation doesn’t equal causation. In these observational studies there are so many confounding variables. When one zooms out and looks at larger reviews and at the evidence the association is statistically insignificant. Unfortunately, there are often other agendas and biases behind studies and government recommendations.

How does Grass Fed Beef play a healthy role in our everyday diet?

Grass fed meat is the closest thing we have to perfect nutrition. A diet with grass fed meat can help prevent disease, improve performance, lose weight and build muscle. An important caveat is that just because someone eats grass fed meat doesn’t mean they can then go all out on the sugars and processed junk.

Which cuts of beef are your favorite? And are some healthier than others?

I love all cuts of beef, but I do have some favorites. I love ribeyes. And of course, filet mignon is a heavenly treat. There is a misconception that if a certain cut is fatty than it is not as healthy as a learner cut. This is a myth. We need fat, and yes the saturated fat found in beef is essential for optimal health. In fact, people that follow the popular ketogenic diet or carnivore diet opt for the fattier cuts.

River Watch Beef - Dr. Stock Guest BlogAbout Dr. Kevin Stock

Dr. Kevin Stock, a strict carnivore, has been passionate about health and fitness for two decades. He was the founder, CEO of Muscle Science, a national level physique competitor, and self-experimental researcher and scientist. He began his professional career as a Dental Sleep Medicine clinician where he treated Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in his private practice. From there he invented the NED Device, an intranasal device designed to treat snoring and OSA. He is the author of the novella “Yourdrum” and soon to be released “Meat Health: The Carnivore Diet – The Hunt to Become Superhuman.”

Currently, Dr. Stock is the founder and CEO at Scriptis, Meat Health, and NED. He is an active writer, reader, and researcher on topics from health and fitness to bitcoin and blockchain to science and philosophy. He shares his findings on his blog, “Notes to Self,” in his “Saturday 7″ newsletter, and on Kevin Stock Radio.


To learn more about Kevin and the Carnivore Diet:

Upcoming book:

“Meat Health – The Carnivore Diet: The Hunt to Become Superhuman” 


Picture of Chris Kovac

Chris Kovac

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